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Magic Moments
23 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " H "


LETTERA "H" . In Italiano non abbiamo parole che iniziano con questa lettera , mi sembra quindi l'unica soluzione usare diversi termini in altre lingue appropriati per il Natale come Felice in Francese e in Inglese come pure Holly, Agrifoglio. 


LETTRE "H"Il n'y a pas en Italien un mot qui commence par H , donc je crois qu'il faut utiliser quelques mots qui vont bien avec l'esprit de Noel dans d'autres langues. Donc, Heureux en Français et le correspondant en Anglais et aussi  Holly et Houx ..


There is not letter in Italian starting with the letter H ! So I thought it could be fine to get some words in other languages which would suit teh Christmas Season as Happy and the same FRench word Hereux , Holly and Houx.





Title:                      LETTERA "H" come HAPPYNESS 

Author:                 EZE

Grid Size:              40W x 35H

Design Area:        5,99 cm x 4,35 cm (33 x 24 stitches)


Legend: Stitches

"              DMC White              white

(              DMC 444                 lemon - dk

2              DMC 701                 christmas green - lt

*              DMC 816                 garnet

/              DMC 986                 forest green - vy dk

'              DMC 3801               christmas red - lt

+              DMC 772                 yellow green - vy lt

0              DMC 703                 chartreuse

#              DMC 782                 topaz - dk


Legend: FrenchKnots

DMC 816                 garnet

DMC 782                 topaz - dk


Legend: BackStitch Lines

DMC 701                 christmas green - lt

DMC 986                 forest green - vy dk

DMC 703                 chartreuse

DMC 814                 garnet - dk

Magic Moments
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